Embedded Wearable Holographic Technology to be Big Boys Toys
The EFX line of health products is joining Big Boys Toys in ADNEC Abu Dhabi, during 16-19 March 2011. This embedded, easy-to-wear, holographic technology is designed to resonate with human body’s naturally occurring bio-electric frequency, which may impact body performance. Be healthier in Big Boys Toys!
EFX technology is embedded in a line of products such as wristbands, necklaces, jewellery, and clothing. People from all walks of life, including professional and amateur athletes, performers, first responders, military personnel, and senior citizens take advantage of EFX performance technology on a daily basis. The products are believed to reduce stress, tension, jet lag, swelling and motion sickness. At the same time, they increase balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, concentration and recovery enhancement.
Its advanced technology inheres strongly in the products; unless they are destroyed or influenced by strong magnets, the programming will remain resident. EFX products work even when the embedded dot is torn into two.